Top 3 Big Ideas From Lean Selling – Idea 1
Dissatisfied with your sales team not meeting quota? Feeling like how fast a prospect moves through your pipeline is something you can’t control? Want to increase sales productivity, reduce the number of “no decision” or “status quo” prospects in your funnel, and increase revenue in a predictable, measurable way?
Here are three big ideas that can help. These are from Lean Selling webinar presented recently. Incorporating these ideas into your own selling system will get you started on the path to improving your sales process and making it more efficient and productive. (You can click here to watch the entire Webinar with an introduction to Lean Selling, or scroll to the bottom this page to watch the video embedded in this post.)
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Lean Thinking, which Lean Selling is based on, will work in sales only when we begin to look at the sales process in a new way: as creating value for a Buyer. The Buyer engages with a company and its salesforce because of a requirement or desire for the company’s product or service. This much is well understood.
What is not as well understood is that the Buyer requires something else from engaging with a Seller which is why—even as Buyers can get so much information on the Internet today—they continue to engage with salespeople. The buyer is primarily interested in obtaining two things: a company’s product or service, and a “selling service” that helps him or her to buy it, as quickly, confidently, and painlessly as possible. These two high level objectives are what Buyers really want to achieve from a relationship with a Seller. Traditional sales methodologies and training do not address this second aspect of Selling as a Service. Therefore, the first Lean Selling big idea is “Sales as a Service.”
Some reading this may protest, saying that prospects don’t “buy” a sales service because it’s free. But you and I know it’s not really free—buyers pay for our sales service with their time and emotional energy, don’t they? Don’t you when you are playing the role of a Buyer? Because Sellers traditionally have not been focused on what Buyers truly value, Buyers began jumping ship for “self-service buying” as soon as they thought the Internet might be an alternative to “expensive” sales engagements. That led us to today’s sales quagmire.
To change this dynamic, we must first transform our view of what salespeople do. Many companies invest heavily in monitoring and improving customer service and closely watch their approval ratings in this area but they spend little time or effort evaluating and improving the “Buyer Service” provided by their sales team.
Does this sound like something you’ve been thinking of already, or like something you’d like to consider with your own sales team? There’s two more big Lean ideas I’ll be sharing with you in the next installments. You can complete the form on right side of this page to get them sent to you as soon as they are available and make sure you don’t miss them.
Here is the complete webinar: