Lean Thinking has had a big impact in manufacturing and services industries, and as we’ve seen in previous posts, we know that it is also revolutionizing many other business processes. The application of Lean Thinking has been extremely effective in decreasing production time and costs in addition to increasing buyer satisfaction (for documented evidence, check out the book, Lean Selling).
However, while we’re aware of how effective Lean has been in all these arenas, the one that could potentially stand to benefit the most from Lean Thinking hasn’t embraced it yet. Oh, sure, there are blogs and guides on how to apply Lean principles to certain point areas of sales, but until now there hasn’t been a complete, cohesive guide to implementing Lean Thinking throughout the entire sales process.
Why is that? There are two very big reasons, understanding and recognition.
- There is a lack of understanding that applying Lean Thinking to sales requires a holistic approach, not a piecemeal one. The buying process is integral to the selling process, and the two must be in sync, from beginning to end.
- There is a lack of recognition that sales is a service. The most effective salespeople already realize that they are servicing their customers. (Zig Ziglar, anyone?) Embracing the novel idea that sales is a service being delivered to a buyer—not one the company receives—is one of the biggest “belief system” hurdles to overcome in adopting Lean Thinking to sales.
Take advantage of the value that can come from working with a Lean Selling coach in your local area, and learn what it would take to fully update your own sales process to twenty-first-century selling. Companies who pride themselves on being early adopters should consider implementing Lean Selling into their sales process, now. Early adopters stand to gain significant competitive advantage from being among the first to use this methodology.
It is only fitting that sales, after decades of stagnation—or decline—in productivity and little innovation, should be next profession to see the benefits of Lean Thinking. Follow us on Twitter to see the latest in Lean Selling, or check us out on Facebook for more in-depth discussions!
Ready to take the next step? Read the book, Lean Selling, and reach out to share your own experiences with bringing your company’s sales process into the modern age.
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